CB or Citizen's Band radios have a wide range of applications and some limitations from the FCC. CB is available to anyone to use at will without the need for a license. CB primarily operates on the AM or amplitude modulation mode. AM actually has some qualities over FM like a longer distance with less power.
CB radios are primarily useful for truckers. It's like an open forum for up to 10 miles along the high way making it super available for truckers to communicate. These radios are widely available so anyone can tune in and hear what is going on -- including police officers.
These radios have 40 channels or pre-set frequencies. The most common channel for truck drivers is channel 19 which is where the phrase "Breaker 1-9" comes from. Notable CB radio brands include Cobra, Midland, Astatic and Motorola.
Plausible applications for a CB
- Truck Drivers
- Dump Truck Drivers
- Hobby Enthusiasts who don't want to obtain a license
There are some commercial cases where CB radio is not the right application such as in manufacturing or high volume uses within a close proximity.
General FCC Rules for CB
- Maximum Power: 4 Watts
- Channels: 40
- Allocated Modes: AM however they are looking at including FM
- Frequency Range: 26.965 MHZ - 27.405 MHZ. See the Frequency Table here.
- Licensing requirements: none
Common CB Brands
- Cobra
- Midland
- Uniden
- Realistic
- Galaxy